Authoring site-specific outdoor augmented reality (AR) experiences requires a nuanced understanding of real-world contexts to create immersive and relevant content. Existing ex-situ authoring tools typically rely on static 3D models to represent spatial information. However, our formative study (n=25) identifies key limitations of this approach: models are often outdated, incomplete, or insufficient for capturing critical factors such as safety considerations, user flow, and dynamic environmental changes. These issues necessitate frequent on-site visits and additional iterations, making the authoring process more time-consuming and resource-intensive.
To mitigate these challenges, we introduce CoCreatAR, an asymmetric collaborative authoring system that integrates the flexibility of ex-situ workflows with the immediate contextual awareness of in-situ authoring. We conducted an exploratory study (n=32) comparing CoCreatAR to an asynchronous workflow baseline, finding that it enhances user engagement and confidence in the authored output while also providing preliminary insights into its impact on task load. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for integrating real-world context into site-specific AR authoring systems.
CoCreatAR, a collaborative authoring system for outdoor AR experiences, designed to facilitate real-time interaction between ex-situ developers and in-situ collaborators. The system enables ex-situ creators, who typically design and develop the experience within Unity asynchronously, to synchronously collaborate with in-situ users who experience the AR content directly in the field. By integrating real-time communication, contextual reference tools, and spatial data capture, CoCreatAR aims to reduce the need for repeated on-site visits during the iterative design of site-specific AR experiences.
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@inproceedings{numanCoCreatAREnhancingAuthoring2025, title = {{CoCreatAR}}: {{Enhancing Authoring of Outdoor Augmented Reality Experiences Through Asymmetric Collaboration}}, shorttitle = {{CoCreatAR}}: {{Enhancing Authoring of Outdoor AR Experiences Through Asymmetric Collaboration}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}}, author = {Numan, Nels and Brostow, Gabriel and Park, Suhyun and Julier, Simon and Steed, Anthony and Van Brummelen, Jessica}, year = {2025}, month = apr, series = {{{CHI}} '25}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3706598.3714274}, isbn = {979-8-4007-1394-1/25/04}, }
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